Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Marriage of Interior Design and Vastu Shastra: Designing Harmonious Spaces

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, a fascinating trend is emerging - the fusion of modern aesthetics with the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra. This article delves into the art of harmonizing interior spaces by incorporating Vastu principles, creating environments that are visually captivating and spiritually enriching.

Introduction to Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, a traditional Indian architectural practice, is deeply rooted in creating spaces that promote equilibrium and positivity. By balancing the elements of nature, Vastu Shastra aims to establish an environment that nurtures well-being and prosperity.

Bridging the Gap: Vastu and Interior Design

By merging Vastu principles with contemporary interior design, it's possible to craft spaces that are not only visually stunning but also radiate positive energy. Let's explore how you can infuse Vastu concepts into different areas of your home.

Crafting a Serene Living Room

The living room is often the center of family life and social gatherings. To make it Vastu-compliant, consider the following:

Furniture Arrangement

Position your furniture to allow free movement and create an inviting atmosphere. Avoid placing furniture against walls, as it can hinder the flow of positive energy.

Vastu-Approved Color Palette

Select colors that align with the five elements. Earthy tones signify stability, while vibrant hues convey energy. Recommended colors include green, blue, and white.

Illuminating the Vastu Way

Opt for abundant natural light and soft, ambient lighting to enhance the living room's energy. Harsh or overly bright lighting should be avoided.

Vastu in the Bedroom

The bedroom is your sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation. Adhering to Vastu principles can create a tranquil atmosphere.

Optimal Bed Placement

Position your bed in the southwest corner with your head facing east for restful sleep and positive energy.

Harmonious Bedroom Colors

Choose soothing colors such as pastels and muted tones for the bedroom. Vibrant or jarring shades should be avoided.

Introducing Nature Indoors

Incorporate indoor plants, especially in the southeast or east corners, to improve air quality and promote positive energy.

A Vastu-Aligned Kitchen

The kitchen, governed by the fire element, is a vital part of any home. Ensuring Vastu compliance in the kitchen can promote health and harmony.

Stove Placement Strategies

Place the stove in the southeast direction, facing east, to harness the positive energy of the rising sun.

Maintaining an Organized Kitchen

Well-organized kitchens facilitate the flow of positive energy. Decluttering is essential for maintaining Vastu harmony.

Cooking with Vastu Awareness

Cook with a positive mindset in a clean environment to create food that resonates with Vastu principles.

Bathrooms in Vastu

Maintaining Vastu principles in the bathroom can enhance hygiene and positivity.

Cleanliness and Vastu

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential. Leaky faucets and blocked drains should be addressed promptly.

Water Elements in Vastu

Ensure that the water elements in the bathroom, such as the sink and toilet, are placed according to Vastu guidelines.

Balconies and Gardens

Balconies and gardens connect you to nature. Vastu can enhance this connection.

Landscaping for Vastu Balance

Landscaping should incorporate the right plants and elements to promote serenity and balance.

Positivity through Plants and Decor

Decorate your balcony or garden with plants and decor that symbolize growth and positive energy.

The Soothing Presence of Water Features

Water features like fountains and birdbaths can attract positivity and tranquility.

Vastu-Enhanced Home Office

As remote work becomes more common, creating a Vastu-compliant home office is crucial.

Desk Placement for Vastu Harmony

Position your desk to face north or east to enhance focus and productivity.

Lighting that Boosts Productivity

Ample natural light and well-placed artificial lighting can reduce eye strain and create a conducive work environment.

Enhancing Focus with Colors

Choose colors that stimulate your mind and promote concentration, such as shades of green or blue.

Lighting Up with Vastu

Lighting plays a crucial role in Vastu principles, symbolizing positivity and dispelling darkness.

Maximizing Natural Light

Maximize natural light in your home, as it is considered a source of positive energy.

Choosing Vastu-Compliant Lighting

Select lighting fixtures that are aesthetically pleasing and provide soft, warm light to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Candles and Diyas in Vastu

Lighting candles or diyas (oil lamps) during festivals and special occasions can invoke positivity and spirituality.

Art and Decor

Art and decor in your home can reflect your style and enhance Vastu energy.

Selecting Artwork in Line with Vastu

Choose artwork that depicts positivity, nature, or spirituality to maintain a balanced environment.

Statues and Figurines for Vastu

Incorporate statues and figurines that align with Vastu principles, such as the laughing Buddha or Ganesh.

Mirrors and Vastu

Mirrors can be strategically placed to amplify positive energy.

Vastu-Friendly Mirror Placement

Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they can disrupt your sleep. In other areas, ensure they reflect positivity.

Flooring Choices

The materials used for your flooring can affect the energy in your home.

Vastu-Approved Flooring Materials

Consider materials like wood, symbolizing growth, or tiles with positive motifs.

The Vastu-Compliant Entrance

The entrance of your home is where energy enters. Maintaining a welcoming and positive aura is crucial.

Ideal Entrance Placement

Position the entrance door in the north, east, or northeast direction to invite positive energy.

Creating Positive Energy at the Doorway

Decorate your entrance with plants, rangoli (colorful floor art), or welcome mats to attract positive vibes.

Vastu for Apartment Living

Living in an apartment? You can still apply Vastu principles, even in limited spaces.

Adapting Vastu to Compact Spaces

Even in smaller living spaces, you can incorporate Vastu principles. Focus on decluttering, proper lighting, and thoughtful layout.


By combining the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra with modern interior design, you can create living spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also spiritually enriching. Aligning your home with Vastu principles can enhance the harmony and positivity of your living environment.


Is Vastu Shastra a religious practice?

No, Vastu Shastra is not a religious practice. It is a science of design and architecture focused on creating balanced living spaces.

Can I apply Vastu principles to a rented apartment?

Yes, you can apply Vastu principles to a rented apartment. Simple adjustments in furniture arrangement and decor can align your living space with Vastu principles.

Are there specific colors recommended by Vastu?

Vastu suggests using colors associated with the five elements. For example, earthy tones for stability and water-related colors for serenity.

What is the significance of the north and east directions in Vastu?

The north and east directions are considered auspicious in Vastu. Placing important elements, like the entrance or a prayer area, in these directions can attract positive energy.

Can Vastu principles improve overall well-being?

Yes, Vastu principles aim to create a balanced and positive living environment, which can have a positive impact on overall well-being and mental harmony. 

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