Interior Designing by Vastu Shastra

Interior designing is not just about aesthetics; it's also about creating a harmonious and positive environment in your living or working space. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, plays a crucial role in achieving this balance. In this article, we will explore how Vastu Shastra can be incorporated into interior design to create spaces that promote well-being and prosperity.

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is an age-old system of architecture and design that originated in India. It emphasizes creating living spaces in harmony with the natural forces and energies that surround us. The word "Vastu" translates to "dwelling" or "building," and "Shastra" refers to "science" or "knowledge." This science provides guidelines for the construction and design of buildings, ensuring that they are in sync with nature.

The Role of Vastu Shastra in Interior Designing

Interior design, when influenced by Vastu Shastra, becomes a holistic approach to create spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and energetically balanced.

Balancing energy in a space

Vastu Shastra helps in the effective channeling of energies within a structure, making the environment more conducive to health, happiness, and success.

Vastu principles for different rooms

Different rooms have unique Vastu guidelines, and adhering to them can bring peace and positivity into your life. For example, the placement of the kitchen, bedroom, and living room can significantly impact the inhabitants.

Key Vastu Shastra Elements

The five elements

Vastu Shastra is deeply rooted in the concept of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Balancing these elements in a space is vital for a harmonious environment.

Directions and their significance

Each direction is associated with specific energies and deities in Vastu Shastra. Understanding their significance helps in the optimal utilization of space.

Layout and Architecture

Designing according to directions

Vastu-compliant architecture considers the cardinal directions and ensures that the layout of a building is in harmony with them. This enhances the flow of energy.

Color Schemes and Vastu

Choosing the right colors

The choice of colors in interior design can have a profound impact on one's mood and well-being. Vastu suggests certain colors for specific rooms to create a balanced atmosphere.

Furniture and Placement

Vastu-compliant furniture

The type of furniture and its placement in a room can affect the flow of energy. Vastu recommends furniture arrangements that promote positivity and comfort.

Lighting and Vastu

Harnessing natural light

Ample natural light is essential in Vastu Shastra as it symbolizes positivity and prosperity. Proper placement of windows and light sources is crucial.

Art and Decor

Vastu-friendly decor

Art and decor choices should align with Vastu principles. Specific symbols and images can enhance the overall energy of a space.

Plants and Vastu

Indoor plants and their benefits

Indoor plants not only purify the air but also bring positivity. Vastu suggests the use of certain plants for different rooms.

Vastu Remedies

Correcting Vastu defects

In case of Vastu defects, there are remedies like using mirrors, wind chimes, or specific crystals to correct the imbalance.

Personalized Vastu Consultation

For a truly Vastu-compliant interior, it is advisable to consult a Vastu expert who can provide personalized guidance based on your space and requirements.

Benefits of Vastu-Compliant Interior Design

The benefits of Vastu-compliant interior design are numerous, including improved well-being, prosperity, and overall happiness in the space.

Real-Life Success Stories

Explore real-life examples of individuals who have experienced positive transformations in their lives after implementing Vastu principles in their interior design.


Incorporating Vastu Shastra into your interior design can have a profound impact on your quality of life. It's a holistic approach that combines aesthetics with positive energy, resulting in spaces that nurture your physical and emotional well-being.

15. FAQs

1. What is the primary goal of Vastu Shastra in interior design?

The primary goal is to create living or working spaces that are in harmony with natural energies, promoting health, happiness, and success.

2. Are Vastu Shastra guidelines suitable for all types of spaces?

Vastu Shastra can be adapted to different spaces, but personalized consultation is recommended for the best results.

3. Can Vastu defects be corrected in an existing space?

Yes, Vastu defects can often be corrected through remedies and adjustments to the interior layout and design.

4. How can I find a Vastu expert for personalized guidance?

You can find Vastu experts online or through recommendations from friends and family. Ensure they are experienced and reputable.

5. What are the key factors to consider when choosing Vastu-compliant colors for a room?

The choice of colors should be based on the room's purpose and the direction it faces. Consult a Vastu expert for precise recommendations.

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